Category: First Time Home Buyers
Should I Use A Family Member As My Realtor?
Family is wonderful most of the time, but do you want them as your Realtor, helping you with what might be, the biggest purchase/sale of your lifetime? The short answer is, there is no right answer. Working with family can be great, but it also can be problematic. If you take into consideration the following steps when […]
And We’re Back……….
So it’s been a while, but now “we are back from a commercial break”, as my good friend Ken Kellner says over a megaphone in his tiki bar every time someone new walks in. Why is this relevant, you may be asking yourself? Well, during my “commercial break” I honed my writing skills, educated myself on the virtues […]
“Everything you need to know about Conventional Loans”- FTHB Series
Now that we have identified all of the different mortgage options and their general differences, we will start breaking down each option in more detail. In this post we will be covering “Everything you need to know about Conventional Loans”. If you missed our last post, Click Here to check it out. Mortgages can fall in one of […]
“Your Mortgage Options”- FTHB Series
Continuing down the “First Time Home Buyer” series checklist it is now time to apply for a mortgage. If you missed our last topic detailing the mortgage timeline you can find it right right here. What many people do not know is that there are several mortgage options and every new homebuyer’s situation determines what option […]
“The Mortgage Timeline”- The FTHB Series
Welcome back to the first time homebuyer series! We took some time off to launch or new website and blog! With the launch our website will strictly be used as a tool for establishing connection between our clients and us. The blog is a separate entity and will allow us to focus on putting out […]
“Finding Your Realtor”- FTHB Series
We are moving right along with the FTHB series! Last week we talked about getting Pre-Approved. If you missed it, check it out right here. But now that you have your Pre-Approval it is time to find your realtor! For the sake of this post, it is important to note that we are going to include those selling […]
“Top Tech For Potential Homebuyers”- FTHB Bonus!
Lets talk tech! Pardon the interruption, but we are adding a SECOND bonus to the First Time Home Buyers Series! If you missed it, we ended last week with a bonus that you can check out by Clicking Here. We will also include a huge announcement at the end of the post so make sure […]
“Time for Pre-Approval”-FTHB Bonus!
Its a FTHB Bonus! Who doesn’t love a bonus? After finishing the “5 C’s of Mortgage” we realized that it was the perfect segue into a blog about getting a pre-approval. By the way if you missed the wonderful 5 C’s post you can find it by clicking right here —> Click Here Now that we have […]
“The 5 C’s of Mortgage!”- FTHB SERIES
“The 5 C’s of Mortgage!”- FTHB SERIES This entry of the “First Time Home Buyers” series is all about preparing your finances and credentials for a mortgage! Specifically we are going to be breaking down the 5 C’s of Mortgage. The topic of credit and finances is such a sore spot for many people, […]
“What becoming a homeowner actually means.” -FTHB Series
What does becoming a homeowner actually mean? For this entry of the “First Time Home Buyers” series we are going to talk about what becoming a homeowner actually means. For most people the perceived answer to that question is very simple: owning a home. Well… I hate to be the bearer of bad news […]