Category: Oakland County Real Estate
And We’re Back……….
So it’s been a while, but now “we are back from a commercial break”, as my good friend Ken Kellner says over a megaphone in his tiki bar every time someone new walks in. Why is this relevant, you may be asking yourself? Well, during my “commercial break” I honed my writing skills, educated myself on the virtues […]
New 3% Down Conventional Mortgage Programs
Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac have recently announced that they will begin backing conventional mortgages with as little as 3% down. This puts conventional mortgages into a new arena which they have not been in for almost 5 years, namely, the low down payment space. Until the announcement on Monday, the lowest Fannie and Freddie […]
Did I Wait Too Long to Buy a House?
We all know the housing market collapsed in 2008 and 2009. House prices plummeted and there were deals aplenty. And the deals remained through 2009, 2010, and 2011. Foreclosures and short sales were everywhere, and you could buy a house at less than half it’s original price. But then in 2012, the market started to […]
Home Buyer Negotiations – Tips for Buying a Home in Oakland County
If you’re on the market to buy one of the many homes for sale in Oakland county, then the best way to get an offer accepted is to appeal to the emotions of the person selling the home. Why? Because that’s how sales work. People not only buy in impulse and emotion but they sell […]