Choosing the Right Realtor
Whether buying or selling a home, it’s always a good idea to have somebody who knows the ropes beside you to help guide you through the process. But with so many realtors out there, how do you choose the right one? Here are a few questions to ask a potential realtor to make sure you […]
How to snag that mortgage when you are self employed.
If you’re a business owner, freelancer or one of the countless other self-employment professions, you are among the 9.9 million Americans who have forgone traditional w-2 employment to be your own boss. While working for yourself can provide a number of perks, it also requires a lot more work –especially if you are considering buying […]
The Joy of a Pre Approval!
Knowing how to properly navigate the uncertain mortgage loan waters can be quite overwhelming, especially if you’re new to the process and aren’t sure what all the terminology means and whether or not it applies to you. A good example of this is mortgage pre-approval. If you’ve recently been thinking about buying a home you […]
Getting a mortgage after bankruptcy?
Have you recently filed bankruptcy and are looking to buy a house some day? You may be surprised but… many people are in your shoes. Unfortunately bankruptcy does take a serious toll on your ability to borrow funds and take on any type of debt. Your credit score and reputation both take major hits. But […]
Fannie Mae Changes Cont: Expenses and Waitress Tips
Presumably one of the worst parts about being a waitress or holding a job where a large some of the compensation is commission is the ability to get a mortgage. In the past going through the mortgage process while earning large sums commissions and tips has always included lots of yellow tape. Even the most […]
Fannie Mae Regulations: Stocks, Bonds, and Mutual Funds
Stocks, bonds, mutual funds: As you know Fannie Mae has been continually trying to relax qualifications and procedures for borrowing/lending. With this in mind they have also implemented some of changes to the use of Stocks, Bonds, and Mutual funds as reserves. The changes were announced in lay May and more details came about in […]
New Fannie Mae Regulations: Conversion of Principal Residence
Anytime Fannie Mae makes regulatory changes it draws a ton of curiosity. Often times Fannie Mae changes aren’t beneficial for the consumer, realtor, and mortgage bankers. Well, I have good news for you! Most of the the regulatory changes that are now in effect as of August 15th, 2015 include relaxed qualifications and procedures. Essentially […]
The Paradigm is Shifting
Shifting a paradigm. What does that mean? Why is it important? Just like any sector of business, Real Estate is one full of paradigms. In this case lets qualify a paradigm as a certain set of procedures that dictate the operation and flow of business. To be specific, we are talking about the current process […]
Can I Use my Tax Return for a Down Payment?
In my ongoing effort to help my clients understand the taxable implications of a mortgage during tax season, today I will talk about how a tax return can and cannot be used to help with a home purchase. I run into many clients who qualify for a mortgage; they have the income to sustain a […]
Important Mortgage Documents From Closing
As I said last week, I will be dedicating this month to tax season on my blog. I am doing this in an effort to help my clients and readers prepare themselves for their current tax filings, as I know this is top of mind for most people at this time of year. Today, I […]