January 23, 2013 Marc Edelstein Uncategorized 0 Comments

Have you often thought about giving back to the community or a favorite charity but found yourself unable to due to monetary constraints? Well this year Marc Edelstein has decided to help you save money AND give back this year with his new Pay It Forward Promise.

Not only can he save you money on a new purchase or the refinancing of your current home at historically low interest rates, but he will donate $50 for every home financed through him to the charity of the buyers choice! Many people have their favorite charity, but if that’s not the case Marc has done his research and compiled a list of suggested LOCAL charities that he knows will benefit from the $50 gifts. He and his assistant have personally contacted each charity on this list and their inclusion was enthusiastically recieved! Just click on the Pay It Forward Promise tab on the upper right to see this list. Each charity has a link to their website. Simply click on their logo if you want to learn more about the organization.

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